On the 2nd of Novermber at 19 at Bolderāja (Avotu 29) Marc Morell will host a lecture on gentrification in Mallorca.
About the speaker
Marc Morell received his PhD in anthropology at the Univercity of Barcelona and is an assistant professor at the University of the Balearic Islands and an invited lead researcher at the Riga Stradins University.
About the lecture
The rent-gap theory is a consistent materialist explanation for gentrification that efficiently contends with individual consumer preference tenets by focusing on the cycles of capital’s moments of disinvestment and reinvestment in the built environment thanks to the necessary mediation of the State. However, such theory occludes the workings of the bearers of class relations and interests. Therefore, via an historical and ethnographic account of the gentrification of a neighbourhood of the Historic Centre of Majorca’s capital city (Spain), this talk will contribute to expand rent-gap theory all in all arguing that each of the rent-gap moments are laboured by differenced social groups that are unaware of forming a single working class that produces surplus for others. Against the description of the spatialisation of classes that are already formed, there is a need to explain how spatialisation intervenes in the urban struggle that makes them.